Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Journey to Isabella

Our Journey to Isabella officially started in June 2007... the endless paperwork, the homestudy, the fingerprints, and then the long wait.... to get Gracie's baby sister in Kazakhstan. The ups and downs of our journey, the shutting down of dossier processing to Kaz, and all the unknowns have been faith building, and faith stretching. The comfort we have is in knowing that God will have her ready for us at the perfect time, because His timing is always perfect.

My own personal journey to her started in my heart the previous year when God began speaking to me about her. As I began working daily with adopted orphans at the International Adoption Clinic, passion began to grow for her in my heart. Seeing so many neglected orphans adopted from other countries, hearing the family's stories, their faith-filled journeys... God has a purpose in everything, preparing me for our journey. Finally, after a mission trip to orphanages in China, I was ready to begin the formal Journey to Isabella, and began the paper-trail of documents. God motivated my heart, helped me put aside all my fears of adopting as a single parent. He told me to Go, and that He would do the rest. So many unknowns... how would I afford it? Who would go with me? Could I really handle two children, and being a full time pediatrician as a single mother? Again, in the quiet and still, God gently reassured me that He would provide. He lead me to Hebrews 11, speaking about the faith of our forefathers.... did Abraham have all the details when he moved his family across foreign lands? Did Noah have any evidence except God's personal voice to him that this great flood was real? Moses... lead his people through the desert with no provisions, except God's promise to provide... and He did. As I sit and wait to go get my precious daughter, I know also that He is lining us provisions for us too...

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Carin in Chinese orphanage

Carin in Chinese orphanage

At the Great Wall of China!

At the Great Wall of China!